DVESS Officers and Positions

Board meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month, except in June and July. Members are always welcome to attend, and become involved in the operation of the club. Speak to one of the officers at the general meeting to find out where the board meeting will be held.

President Mark Leipert mark.leipert@yahoo.com
Vice President Ann Lynne Benson selenitequeen@gmail.com
Treasurer Jim Brennan brenimage@hotmail.com
Recording Secretary Amy Simpson
Corresponding Secretary
Program Chairman Gary Weinstein garyskyrock@hotmail.com
Field Trip Chairman Mark Leipert mark.leipert@yahoo.com
Field Trip Coordinator (Sterling Hill) Jeff Winkler TripMaster@UVworld.org
Newsletter Editor Susan Moore aquamarinepaisleyorchid@yahoo.com
Website Coordinator Terry Wilson terry@terryfic.com
Jr. Rockhound Coodinator Mel LeCompte rocksandbadges.dvess@gmail.com
Special Events Coordinator Ann Lynne Benson selenitequeen@gmail.com
Cyber Consultant (facebook.com/DVESSNJ) Lance Schnatterly